Monday, June 15, 2009

The Church of Palmerism: Hierarchy.

Tom Palmer - Space Pope
Jennifer Lawlor - Ecumenical Patriarch
Brian Gillick - Defender of the Light
Eamon Tutty - Enforcer of the Religious Proclamation
Shallow_Grave - Fluffer to the Space Pope
DJ Jarvis - Sargent at Arms (Warning - May eventually break off to form a militant and violent faction of Palmerism)
Fi Morrin - Stroker

If you would like an official position and to join us in our birthing moments of our glorious mission to expand the realms of all beings of the multiverse. Just email your proposed title to

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Palmerism and the Ostrich of destiny.

In my first post as Space Pope of Palmerism I would like to introduce all beings of the universe to the philosophy of our church and how we plan on moving forward in a multiverse of wonders and delights.

First and foremost Palmerists do not Queue! Now I do not mean to invoke riots from Palmerists skipping queue and cutting lines across the world. I mean for this to be our first struggle. When we try and cut in line and someone say's "Hey, you can't cut in line". You can proudly and defiantly state "Huzzah! For I am a Palmerist, and I DO NOT QUEUE!".

Now you may be met with some resistance. And if management and security do make you join the back of a long line of ignorant Christians, Jews and other multi religious folks, this will be our rally point. For do the Christians not get all the schools, Do the Jews not get to wear their hair with those funny braid side burn thingy's!

And all us Palmerists ask is the freedom to express our beliefs and not Queue! And how dare they deny us our civil liberties to practice our religion in the style we choose! All religions need something to moan about. It is the basis of all religions to argue over silly ideals and practices, and we will be no different.

So arise fellow Palmerists and join me in our struggle.

***To become a Palmerist simply contact me at, letting me know you want to join and the title you wish to bestow on yourself.***